Arts & Crafts

At Sparkling Stars Childcare Centre, we encourage children to use their imaginations and be creative. Children are supported to express their feelings, ideas, and experience the world around them through arts and crafts. 

Field Trips

Excursions and field trips are an integral part of Sparkling Stars Childcare Centre, offering opportunities for play and learning outside of the child care.

Parents sign an authorization form for local excursions and field trips when they register their children. Field trips are planned one month in advanced and Parents are invited to share ideas and participate in field trips and excursions.

The field trip destination, transportation, and supervision are carefully planned to ensure the safety and well-being of the children. When the destination is within walking distance, we take the safest route, and for transportation, we use the Center’s van, all of which must comply with Transport Canada guidelines.

Overall, our program for children’s development is designed to provide a safe and enriching environment for all children to learn, grow, and thrive.

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